Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Research paper for Don't ask, Don't tell' policy is a tacit Essay

Research paper for Don't ask, Don't tell' policy is a tacit recognition discrimination in United State armed force - Essay Example men have served their country wonderfully in the past and are striving hard to continue in the same vein in the present leading up to the future is a fact that is also acknowledged by General H. Norman Schwartzkopf. However, the problem that these opponents face, not necessarily citing the aforementioned personal as members of the group of opponents is the notion whether the productivity of heterosexual people will be in any way adversely affected by the presence of these homosexuals in their ranks. This fact is largely based on the apprehension amongst all that allowing homosexuals to serve side by side in the country will only contrive in augmenting the levels of discomfort of the scores of heterosexuals who are serving in the army. This discomfort on the part of the heterosexuals will only lead to the sad demise of the paradigm of â€Å"unit cohesion† i.e. everyone serving in a unit is treated on the same scale and as one entity regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity e tc; and this paradigm of governance is extremely important for the purpose of successful soldiering. Now, the proposition of the notion that these fears are responsible for the creation of a type of an unspoken, unwritten policy of preferential hiring and specific exclusion based on factors that should not be present for the process of recruitment would certainly seem to be a bit unfair at this point. However, we will tackle this problem from this exact viewpoint in order to ascertain whether there is any reason to believe in the truth of this statement. For this matter, we will also look at the empirical example of the military of four countries i.e. Britain, Australia, Israel and Canada and try to extrapolate any inferences for our specific case. Fifteen years ago, President Bill Clinton, the US Congress, and most of the nation were debating about whether self-proclaimed gays and lesbians could serve in the US military or not. Having promised in his campaign to extend this civic right to

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